
Open Call | The First ICI PhD Forum




Once again, the foundations of humanism have been shaken by technicism. In an era that emphasizes technological innovation and cultural creativity, is it necessary to rethink and redefine our time-honored humanities? As the system of higher education tends towards skills application and employment, how can we find a path to stimulate imagination and creativity, to cultivate critical thinking and somatic cognition? What forms of social justice are possible within the mode of social development driven by scientific knowledge, technological innovations and commercial profit? How can art and design find their position in the context of social determinism overshadowed by technology? Based on these urgent questions, and at the intersection of art and technology, we invite young scholars to share their personal research process and experience face to face, and discuss the existing structures of epistemology.

The first ICI PhD Forum: Sphere of Innovation and Missions of Universities that takes place in early summer is planned by the Open Museum of the Institute of Creativity and Innovation, Xiamen University. The Open Museum is research and practice oriented and aims to generate and promote new forms of knowledge and to create a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary platform of exchange for creative design education and academic research. The ICI PhD Forum is intended to be an international platform of dialogue to support young researchers in the exchange and engagement of ideas regarding innovation, knowledge and social technologies.


1_ 人文科学的时代定位


2_ 科学与艺术的破壁与远景


3_ 学院内外的学与知

在传统意义上的大学教育、中国目前大力提倡的职业高等教育,以及发生学院之外的社会实践中,如何理解福柯所说的“知识”(savoir)和“认识”(connaissance)的区别?以设计领域为例,现有的大学知识生产模式(比如基于实践的研究、生成性研究、反思性实践、应用性实践、论文研究等)与其社会实践规范和守则之间存在着错位,这个问题该如何解决?在以教导具体实务、以未来就业为导向的职业教育中,没有具体目的的知识是否可以存在于职业知识中?以中国近几十年全球瞩目的创客文化(maker culture)为例,如何重新思考发生在学院之外的知识生产?

The ICI PhD Forum is open to doctoral candidates, recent PhDs (within 3 years of conferring), and postdoctoral researchers from various disciplines. The call for paper concerns theoretical and practical research on following subjects:

1_ (Re) Positioning humanities at the present

More than a hundred years ago, the humanities in French higher education faced a serious crisis. Historians such as Durkheim and Lanson institutionalized humanity studies in response to the development of scientism (positivism). In contemporary society that emphasizes technology and innovation, universities need to respond to the growing call for industry-academia-research integeration. In addition, academia is struggling to grasp with the urgent challenges posed by the rapid development of artificial intelligence. How can humanities redefine their position in time in a technocratic society in order to respond to the social needs including technological innovation, talent cultivation, ecological remediation, etc.?

2_ Interfusion, visions of science and art

In addition to preparing talents to accommodate societal needs, what role do universities play in building a highly efficient platform for dialogues among fields of technological innovation, academic research, critique, and government policy? In multi-platform research and development projects, how can new paths of exchange and collaboration unfold through interdisciplinary models? As Flaubert said: “science and art break up at the foot of the mountain and meet at the summit”. How can the integration of science and art go beyond just meeting functional and timely demands but facilitate experimental interfusion, binding the spirits of scientia and artificialia for the emergent knowledge of the present and future — a world of man-computer symbiosis?

3_ Savoir vs. Connaissance within/beyond the University

How can we understand the difference between “savoir” and “connaissance,” as conceived by Foucault, in the context of the traditional university education, especially considering China’s strong advocation of the vocation-oriented higher education and the practices that lie beyond the physical boundaries of universities? In the case of design, how can we solve the misalignment between existing university models of knowledge production (such as practice-based research, generative research, reflective practice, applied practice, dissertation research, etc.) and the norms and codes of their social praxis? Can knowledge without a specific purpose exist within the vocational knowledge in the progress-concerned, and employment-oriented vocational education? Consider the maker culture in China that has been drawing global attention for decades, how should we rethink the production of knowledge that takes place outside universities?


- 征稿方向包含学术论文与视觉论文两种形式。

- 来稿请附作者简介。

- 投稿学术论文需提交一份1000字以内的摘要。

- 投稿视觉论文(视频散文)需提交一份500字以内、不多于20张图像的视觉方案。

- 投稿可使用中文或英文,需符合APA7格式。

- 请于2023年6月10日前将稿件发送,


- 初评遴选将于截止日期两周内完成并通知作者。全文需在今年底提交,用于编辑论文集。

- 全文将经过同行评审。

- 投稿免费,入选作者将在论文集出版后获得稿酬。与会者的交通、住宿等费用需自理。信息咨询。

Submission Guidelines

- We accept both academic papers and visual essays.

- The submission should include a short bio of the author.

- The submission of academic papers should include an abstract of no more than 1,000 words.

- The submission of visual/video essay should include a visual proposal of no more than 500 words and 20 images.

- Papers can be written in either Chinese or English and follow the APA7 format.

- Submissions should be sent by 10 June, 2023 to, cc to

- Primary review will be completed and the author will be notified within 2 weeks of the submission deadline. The full text of the paper should be submitted at the end of this year for compilation.

- The full text of the paper will go through peer review with the author’s name concealed.

- No charge for submissions. Accepted authors will be remunerated after publication. Transportation and accommodation costs need to be self-funded. Any questions occur, please contact