

Education Background:

2020-Present  PhD in Aesthetics, Wuhan University

2018-2019      Visiting scholar, Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University (Young Backbone Teacher Project of Fujian)

2003-2006      MA in Environmental Design, Jiangnan University

1999-2003      BA in Environmental Design, Jiangnan University

Working Experience:

2020-Present  Director of Environmental Design, the Institute of Creativity and Innovation, Xiamen University

2020-Present  Associate Professor of Environmental Design, the Institute of Creativity and Innovation, Xiamen University

2016-2020      Associate Professor of Environmental Design, College of Arts, Xiamen University

2011-2012      Humboldt scholar, Osnabrück University of Applied Science

2009-Present  Director of Environmental Design, College of Arts, Xiamen University

2006-2011       Teaching Assistant in Environmental Design, College of Arts, Xiamen University

Research Interests:

History of Chinese and Western gardens, Urban Landscape Design, Environmental Aesthetics

Publications and Projects (selected):

1. 2018 Discussion on the Sustainable Mode of New Rural Construction in China from the Perspective of Environmental Construction and Cooperative Relationship (published by DESIGNING SUSTAINABILITY FOR ALL Proceedings of the 3rd LeNS world distributed conference)

2. 2016 Research on Qianlong Qingyi Garden and Water Conservancy Construction in the Western Suburbs of Beijing, Chinese Gardens, 2016, issue 6

3. 2015 Idea-King Award Annual Excellent Landscape Design

4. 2011-2012 Internationalen Klimaschutzstipendium der Alexander von Humbolt-stiftung

5. 2009 April 15 Exhibition design, Shanghai People's Art Publishing House