
Colin Cheong Teck Chuan

Education Background:

2014-2016  MFA in Collaborative Design, Pacific Northwest College of Art: Portland, Oregon, USA. 

1999-2003  BA in Arts and Social Sciences (Second Class Honours Upper), National University of Singapore, Singapore. 

Previous Employment:

2016-present  Consultant / Lecturer Beyon Design Centre (BDC), Temasek Polytechnic (TP): Singapore.

2018-present  Mentor / Associate School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences.

2007-2017  Lecturer School of Design, Temasek Polytechnic (TP): Singapore.

Research Interests

Service and Social Design, Pop Culture in Design, Design Futures, Street Food Culture

Academic Results:

2019-21  Street Food Culture in Singapore: Singapore

2020  Privately Public: Photography Exhibition Temasek Polytechnic Design Gallery: Singapore

2016  Portland Street Food Portraits- Street Food Sites: A Recipe for Street Food Spaces in our Cities: Portland, OR, USA

2015  Urban Poverty and the Sharing Economy- National Policy Consensus Center, Portland State University: Portland, USA

2015  The Juniper Project: Sustainable Northwest: Oregon, USA