
Jorge Valdovinos

Education Background:

2016-2020  PhD in Social Sciences (Digital Media and Society), faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney,Australia

2013-2014  MA in Digital Communication and Culture, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney,Australia

2007-2010  BA in Design. Graphic Design and Multimedia Communications, Faculty of Architecture and Design, University of Vina del Mar, Chile

Previous employment:

2022  Senior Media Analysis Consultant, GetUp Australia

2020-2021  Global Curriculum Designer, Academic department, Poliglota SPA

2016-2019  Teaching and Tutoring, The University of Sydney

Research Interests:

Digital Media, Ideology, Culture

Academic results

1. Valdovinos, J. I. (2022) Transparency and Critical Theory: The Becoming-Transparent of Ideology. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

2. Valdovinos, J. I. (2022) Hayek, Neoliberalism and Transparency: The Futility of challenging fate. The Political Economy of Communication, 10(1) (forthcoming).

3. Brevini, B., Valdovinos, J. I. (2019) Caught between transparency and scandal-making:

Conceptualising WikiLeaks. In H. Tumber and S. Waisbord (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media and Scandal (pp. 273-282). New York: Routledge.

4. Valdovinos, J. I. (2018) Transparency as Ideology, Ideology as Transparency: Towards a Critique of the Meta-aesthetics of Neoliberal Hegemony. Open Cultural Studies, 2(1), pp. 654-667.

5. Valdovinos, J. I. (2011) Hacia una Ecología del Imaginario. Viña del Mar, Chile: UVM. [Towards an Ecology of the Imaginary: On the Epistemology of Design].