

Education Background:

2008-2012 PhD in Trans-Cultural Studies, Jointly Granted by Minzu University of China and Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 of France.

2008-2011 PhD in Anthropology, Minzu University of China.

2005-2008 MA in Anthropology, Minzu University of China.

2006-2007 MA in Trans-Cultural Studies, Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 of France.

2001-2005 Double/Dual BA in Ethnology and Environmental Ecology, Minzu University of China.

Previous Employment:

2022-present Associate Professor of Digital Media Arts, the Institute of Creativity and Innovation, Xiamen University.

2018-2019 Guest Researcher, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, Norway.

2012-2022 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology and Ethnology, Xiamen University.

Research Interests:

Anthropology of Art, Contemporary Art, Digital Landscape and Posthumanism, Media and Ontology (Materiality/Object/Thing), Sensory ethnography, Cultural Heritage and Museum, Interdisciplinary Research-Art Practice.

Research Results(selected):

1. “Reimaging and Reinterpreting Anthropological Fieldwork’s Space”. Northwestern Journal of Ethnology 114 (3) , 2022.

2. “Plunder and Return: Colonial-Era Artifacts as Contested Cultural Heritage and their Ethical Predicament”. Academic Monthly 53 (11) , 2021.

3. “An Anthropological Insight into China’s Arts-based Rural Construction”. National Arts 142 (3), 2018.

4. Art Elsewhere: Anthropological Study of Chinese Artists in France. Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 2018.

5. Southeast Ethnic Art Practices: Aesthetic Perception and Cultural Context. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press, 2017.