
Nace Pušnik

Education Background:

2008-2016 PhD in Graphic and Interactive Communications, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2003-2008 BSc in Graphic Engineering and Design, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Previous Employment:

2018-2024 Assistant professor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

2009-2018 Assistant,Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

2005-2009 Graphic designer/Video Editor, Public Institute RTV, Slovenian National Television Station, Slovenia

Research Interests:

Graphic Design, Typography, Visual Communication, Interactive Technology, User Experience/User Interfaces, Communication Technology

Research Results(selected):

1. Visibility and legibility of five-letter words in different experimental conditions (2022), Journal of graphic engineering and design.

2. Masculinity in Advertising: The power of Verbal Cue (2022), Journal of graphic engineering and design.

3. You read best what you read most: an eye tracking study (2020), Journal of eye movement research.

4. Effects of colour combination on short-words processing speed (2019), Technical Gazette.

5. Typeface comparison - Does the x-height of lower-case letters increased to the size of upper-case letters speed up recognition? (2016), International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.

6. Effect of typeface, letter case and position on recognition of short words presented on-screen (2016), Behaviour & Information Technology.