
Niloofar Amini


2015-2021  比利时根特大学 建筑理论与历史 博士

2020-2022  比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学 可持续城市设计和地区规划 硕士

2012-2014  伊朗德黑兰阿扎德大学 建筑工程 硕士

2005-2010  伊朗德黑兰阿扎德大学 建筑工程 学士


2021  比利时布鲁塞尔1010建筑城市规划公司 学者/城市学家

2012-2014  伊朗德黑兰技术学院本科和硕士设计工作室 助教

2006-2014  伊朗德黑兰Partana建筑公司 建筑设计师




1. Amini, N. (2024). “Pairidaeza. A Reflection on The Concept of Paradise in Iranian Art and Architecture,” accepted for publication in a high-impact factor journal.

2. Amini, N. (2024). “Landscape Design as a Cultural Construction,” accepted for publication in a high-impact factor journal.

3. Amini, N. (2023). “Mixed-use Urban redevelopment and the added-value economy: The case of Ghent, East Flanders” Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, 17(2), 130-150.

4. Amini, N. (2022). “Ad Hoc. 16 Geschriften van En Voor Bart Verschaffel.” Edited by Dirk De Meyer. Gent: Faculteitsbibliotheek Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur.

5. Amini, N. (2020). The Aesthetic Resistance of Iranian Architects and Artists During the Late Pahlavi Era. SITA – Studies in History and Theory of Architecture, 8, 197–212.

6. Amini, N. (2018). Modern architecture as an agency of political competition: the case of Iran and Pakistan. Studies in History and Theory of Architecture-Studii De Istoria Si Teoria Arhitecturii, 6, 92–107.