
Mohammed Ali Sharieff


2019-2023  意大利那不勒斯费德里克二世大学 建筑学(方向:城市规划) 博士

2004-2006  印度理工学院鲁基分校  建筑学  硕士

1996-2001  印度马杜赖卡马拉伊大学  建筑学  学士


2019-2023  意大利那不勒斯费德里科二世大学  博士研究生

2014-2019  印度哥印拜陀萨西创意建筑学院  教授,院长

2009-2014  印度哥印拜陀卡尔帕加姆大学建筑系  教授,临时系主任




1. Mohammed Ali Sharieff. (2023) Characterisation of Informal Settlements (Slums) as Transition Zones in the Urban-Rural Continuum: the Case of the South Indian City of Coimbatore. Doctoral Dissertation, DiARC, UNINA.

2. Mohammed Ali Sharieff, Shridhar P S, Chandrakanth K, Chenthur Raaghav, and entire class of S9. (2018) Redevelopment of Race Course Area as a Responsive Urban Core. Research document and designs of the urban studio project, SCSA Coimbatore. Role: Studio Lead and Editor.

3.Mohammed Ali Sharieff, Nachiketa B Phatanjali, Chandrakanth K, Sarfraz S Yaseen and entire class of S9. (2017) Water based Urbanism: Urban Interventions along the Noyyal River. Research document and designs of the urban studio project, SCSA Coimbatore. Role: Studio Lead and Editor.

4.Mohammed Ali Sharieff, Kathiravan P, Arunkumar K, and entire class of S9. (2014) Urban Interventions along the Valankulam Lake Region of Coimbatore. Research document and designs of the urban studio project, Karpagam University (KAHE) Coimbatore. Role: Studio Lead and Editor.

5.Mohammed Ali Sharieff. (2011) Smart and Sustainable Built Environments: The Green Building Concept. Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Sustainable Energy Technologies, RVS Faculty of Engineering Coimbatore.

6.Mohammed Ali Sharieff. (2011) Green Building Systems: a Hybrid Approach. Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Advances Civil Engineering Research, Karpagam University Coimbatore. pages 48-53.