2012-2018 英国安格利亚鲁金斯大学 计算机科学博士学位
2007-2009 英国谢菲尔德大学 信息系统硕士学位
2004-2007 英国伦敦城市大学 商业信息系统学术学位
2023-2024 英国dBs音乐与技术学院 讲师
2021-2022 英国JD Sports(英国体育零售商) 软件开发员
2019-2021 英国PHMG 软件开发员
2012-2018 英国安格利亚鲁金斯大学 副讲师
Sawyerr, W.A., 2018. VWADM: An Architecture-Inspired Method for Designing Virtual World Applications. Cambridge: Anglia Ruskin University.
Sawyerr, W., 2016. An Approach for Designing Applications in 3D Virtual Worlds. In: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), 8th International
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Sawyerr, W., 2016. An Application of the Design Science Research Theoretical Framework and Methodology in the Construction of an Approach for Designing Applications in 3D Virtual Worlds. Journal of Advances in Information Technology, 7(4), pp.259-263.
Sawyerr, W. and Hobbs, M., 2014. Designing for Usability in 3D Virtual Environments. In: IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), 2nd International Workshop on Usability and Accessibility Focused Requirements Engineering. Karlskrona, Sweden, 25 August 2014. Piscataway: IEEE.
Sawyerr, W., Brown, E. and Hobbs, M., 2013. Using a Hybrid Method to Evaluate the Usability of a 3D Virtual World User Interface. International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science, 8(2), pp.66-74.
Sawyerr, W.A. and Pinkwart, N., 2011. Extending the Private and Domestic Spaces of the Elderly. In: CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work), Workshop on Socialising Technology Among Seniors in Asia. Hangzhou, China, 19-23